the "2nd" Funkiest Bath House in Town is NOW RESUSCITATED & REPLENISHED!!) Melrose Social Club


7269 Melrose Ave L.A.

OPEN 24 hours

anytime now!


all the time any Da

Nevertheless: Your invited to enjoy the FESTIVE

lasciviousness of the exemplary.. You will note the effervecent & OPULENT envins borders on the rustic Uncouth... Our's 15 not an EPHEMERAL SCENE

it's for whom the bells Toll.... can you die it.

We were known as: Melrose Baths. Lion Heart Bath. Black foot Trail.. Vaseline Ally. Listerine Sallows. Cardiac Arrest。

Those were the nicer names_____ DUR enimies




ANYWAY_ we're functioning AGAIN Bring #400 Your body. Come Often with a friend or whomever Whenever Sleep Warm... BUT NEVER ALONE! our hot line.... IS YOUR FUN. LineHugh.